D'var Torah By Rabbi Edwin C. Goldberg for ReformJudaism.org
Wherever You Go, There God Will Surely Be
We live in a self-indulgent time. One of the best examples of our era's trend toward self-indulgence is the "Travel List Challenge's 100 Places to Visit Before You Die."1 On this Web page, users are asked to check off which of the 100 author-recommended places in the world they have visited. The places range from North American sites like the Smithsonian Museum, the Washington Monument, and the Empire State Building to exotic, faraway destinations like the Taj Mahal in India, Machu Pichu in Peru, and the Great Wall of China. It's an interesting exercise, allowing us to recall some great memories of places we've seen.
But like much of what we find on social media, it's also a way show that our life is OK—maybe even better than OK—in comparison to that of our friends.
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